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Chinese translation for "marriage bed"


Related Translations:
marriage:  n.1.结婚,婚姻;婚礼;结婚生活,夫妇关系。2.密切结合。3.【牌戏】同花 king 和 queen 的配合。短语和例子a common-law [a Scotch] marriage 自由结婚,自由同居。 a civil marriage (不举行宗教仪式的)登记结婚。 a communal [group] marriage 杂婚;群交共婚制。 his [her] un
civil marriage:  不举行宗教仪式的婚姻。
fleet marriage:  在弗利特河一带由名誉极坏的教士主持的秘密结婚。
mixed marriage:  异族[教]通婚。
marriage broker:  媒人。
marriage encounter:  〔美国〕婚姻关系恳谈会〔数对夫妻于周末座谈交换意见,以促进双方感情〕。
marriage service:  (在教会中举行的)婚礼。
open marriage:  “开放式”婚姻〔男女双方婚后在社交和性生活方面仍如婚前一样自由的一种约定式婚姻〕。
regular marriage:  (按仪式举行的)正规[合法]结婚。
marriage settlement:  夫妇财产契约。
Example Sentences:
1.He urged me , stating that he felt it his mission in life to urge me , to defile the marriage bed , to commit adultery at the earliest possible opportunity
2.Meanwhile , the marriage bed with its bright red curtains evokes the physical act of love which , according to christian doctrine , is an essential part of the perfect union of man and wife
两人身后,大红色的垂帘的婚床使人联想起“爱的肉体行为” ,根据基督教义,这样的行为是夫妻完美结合的要素。
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